Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Welcome to the RIPE NCC

We hope faith forever keeps us young
Gregor Samsa

Yesterday was my first day at the office. Actually nothing hard, because we still have to choose the proper direction of my future work, and also because the RIPE NCC greets newcomers by introducing them to the staff during the first week, under the guide of mentors (that are employees as well). As a consequence I only challenged myself with tasks like: printing six useless sheets just to check if the remote printer connection was up, almost falling down the typical Dutch stairs and so on...

Changing the subject, I finally bought a second hand bike. Very cheap, very rusty, and above all very Dutch: one noisy bell and no hand brakes. Only foot brakes. I definitely have to practice before falling into a canal.

Finally, just one quick mention about food: as you can see, italians always find their way!

(dinner. photo by me)

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